I went into the backyard today to take some pictures of my puppy, Angel. While I was back there, I noticed that we had some new flowers that blossomed. Take a look.
For these pictures I thought I would play around and be a little more artistic. I got this idea from another picture of a little girl holding, what looked like cranberries. It was just a straight forward shot. I decided to add my own little touch and had my daughter hold a lily and made it black and white with a touch of color. The one with the pink lily, I titled "What Little Girls Are Made Of" and the one with the yellow lily I titled "Delicate Blossom, Gentle hands".
I have a couple of pictures to share. This one is of the American flag. I took this one at Trenton City Hall during the National Day of Prayer. I call it "God Bless America"
Saturday was my sister's graduation party. After I left the party, I picked up my niece to spend the night and saw this on the way home. So I pulled up into a gas station and took a picture. I love the way the colors show up and the clouds, with their different shades of gray, make a really cool background. It certainly made up for all the rain we've been having. I call this "A Beautiful Promise"
I took my daughter to play at Elizabeth Park yesterday and to take some pictures. On our way to one of the bridges we passed by this long row of tall bushy trees. On their branches were these tiny little flowers that could easily be missed unless you were looking at them. Which is why I call this one "Tiny Treasures".
My hyacinths are in bloom. I love hyacinths. They are better than air freshener. I really like the smell they give and I love the fact that a couple of them is enough to fill the entire room.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Aside from having a sick child, we had a pretty good weekend. :) Poor Maiya had an upset tummy and vomited shortly before we were supposed to leave for church on Sunday. So Jay stayed home with her while I took the other two to church with me. She was feeling fine by the next day, but she was pretty upset about her upset tummy. On Good Friday before all of this happened, my sister and her family and me and my family went up to Elizabeth Park to take some pictures. My sister is officially graduating the first week of May and I promised that I would do her graduation pictures for her to help save her money. While we were there I also took some family photos for her and took some new shots of my girls.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day and because Maiya was feeling better, I thought it would be great to get out of the house and take the girls to the zoo. These are some of the pictures that I took while we were there.
Today was such a beautiful day, I thought it would be great to get out and get some photos. Out of 64 shots, I only kept six. I am even considering entering two of them for the coming up spring photo contest for the Elizabeth park fan page on Facebook. We'll see. It greatly depends on if I get something better from now until then. Here are the pictures that I kept.